Here's a list of the expenses:
<2017 Golden Week Ride(4 days 3 nights) expenses>
Daiso(Dollar Store) camping goods = 1080
Himalaya(Outdoor Gear Store) food = 906
Tobishima bridge toll = 560 X 2 = 1120
Fuel = 2016 + 1500 + 1895 = 5411
(I do have more than 3 quarters of fuel left when arriving home though)
Ferry = 1420 X 2 = 2840
Lunch Sukiya(traditional Japanese fast-food chain) = 500
Dinner Marunaka (localsupermarket) = 563
Lunch Aeon(local supermarket) = 291
Breakfast(convenience store) = 338
24HR Sauna(one night of room, dinner and car park) = 2950 + 500 + 700 = 4150
Total = 17,899
Over budget by 7899 Yen = roughly 78 USD
The biggest chunk of money was spent on fuel. Next is transportation (toll and ferry), followed by a room at night.
So, where did my budgeting go wrong?
For one, I didn't plan on staying at the 24HR sauna. That would have had saved me 41 dollars if I chose to camp. However I did go there because I had to. I guess in the future I would need to take my health condition into consideration when allocating budget for lodging. It's only a night but it more or less blew my budget.
Next is the fuel. To be fair I was almost right about it but I played safe by refueling for the third time. If I hadn't done that it would have saved me another 18 dollars. As for the toll and ferry rides, there's no way I could do away with them. In fact, they are significantly cheaper than the highway. I am glad I took that ferry.
All in all, even if there was no surprises in this trip, I would still have had over budget for about 30 dollars.
What I took away from this is the lesson whereby:
1. I need to allocate my budget in a more realistic manner
2. I need to allocate a "OTHERS" category for emergencies
3. Make my budget and stick to it. When all else fails, just accepts it and move on.
So, what's your story in budgeting?
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