The First Three Months of 2017
Hi everybody! I haven't been updating the blog often enough, but I have not forgotten about my very own blog. Like you, I have been busy with life and riding. :-)
It's not really there yet but I guess it wont hurt to make an entry summarizing my rides so far in the 1st quarter of the year.
<The Biggest Changes In My Bike Life>
Jill joins the family. Jill is made by Honda, she has a 100cc 4-stroke air cooled, carburetor and a 5 speed gear box. She has only kicker but no starter. Hell she doesn't even have a battery. I got her because I had to have her. Since the joining of Jill I have been spending quite some time with her because she is very small and easy going places.
<Going Places>
I said I wanted to visit nuclear power plants and I managed to visit one in the 1st quarter. I don't have any dislike for nuclear power - in fact I am awed by it. Don't have to tell me about the danger of nuclear power though, I live close enough to a nuclear power plant so I will be the one who dies first if anything happens, so i know what's at stake.
I have also developed a routine of going to an island nearby having picnic and also go see the japanese navy on my way home. This gives me peace of mind.
Of course the infamous Kawasaki museum as well. A must-go place.
Going to a war monument.
Ride a ferry.
There are also many other places that I have been to in the 1st quarter but I figure these are the ones worth mentioning.
<Getting My Hands Dirty>
I promised myself I will be doing more bike maintenance to gain experience and knowledge. So I did oil change and cable lubing last year, and in the first 3 months of this year I learned on how to perform chain adjustment on Jill, how to change jets on a carb and how to adjust air screw on a carb. Not much technical knowledge per se but I am glad that I did it nonetheless. No knowledge will go to waste so I am going to build more upon this.
I guess this is it. Okay so what lies in the future? I don't know. But for the next quarter this is what I have in mind.
1. Ride more than 1000km to go see a friend, then ride another 1000km with him.
2. Do bike camping will Jill.
3. Adjust chain on Lara.
4. Perhaps cleaning the air filter and change oil for Jill.