Sunday, November 15, 2015

Little Trip Crossing The Border


Crossing The Malaysia/Thai Border

I like motorcycle touring.

Some think it means riding your bike at the highest possible velocity from point A to point B. I think it means giving up myself to the ride, take the time, enjoy the scenery along the way and soak myself in the local culture at point B.

The problem with my kind of touring is that only a handful of riders like it my way.
Well not necessarily a problem if I choose to ride alone.
So here's what I did. A solo ride from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, all the way up north crossing the border at Bukit Kayu Hitam, entering Thailand at Danok.

The trip took place in September 2015. I was equipped with a KTN125 and a backpack.

Took a photo before leaving. It was a tiny bike and I had to do about 500km to cross into Thailand from where I left.
Took two rest stops and finally arrived at the Malaysian border.
It's a drivethrough check point. Handed over my passport, getting the passport scanned - all on the bike! - then waved on.

This photo was taken after crossing the Thailand border. A reminder,
1. Insurance must be purchased.
2. Fill out the vehicle registration paper. (not a carnet)
3. Get myself stamped into Thailand before attending to my bike.
4. Grab the vehicle registration paper and proceed to the vehicle registration booth with passport. Sign in and then get waved on.
5. Go back to where you parked the bike, ride it out of the custom check point.
6. You are in Thailand!

Just a random photo I took strolling the streets.

I guess the only correct sentence was the one written in Arabic.
Spent a night and was on my way back to Kuala Lumpur.  All in all, I wish I had more time. But this trip will be remembered because it was my first proper country crossing motorcycle touring!
Cheers Riders.

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